Rat Noises, How to Know If They're Chewing Through YOUR Mesa Ceiling

It may be disturbing to know that you have a Mesa rat infestation in your house. Imagine them falling from your ceiling and things can be horrifying. The rats are also dangerous. They can be a host to different diseases such as lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Leptospirosis, Hantavirus, and the plague. They are very destructive and can easily chew through your ceiling. In case you think that you have a rat infestation in your ceiling, you will need to act immediately.

Signs of Arizona Rats in Your Ceiling

In order to avoid this type of situation; you need to pay attention to the sign of their presence in your ceiling. You don' t want to wait until the vermin has already chewed a hole in your ceiling before you take an action.

Strange Sound and Odor

The first sign of their presence would be the sound of rustling and skittering. This will continue for a few minutes every day before it will stop. Sometimes, this will appear like scratching sound and other times, you will think that someone is walking in the attic. The sound will be more prevalent at night and during the early morning hours. You will be hearing the strange noises while you are in bed that will rob you of your well-deserved rest. Once the infestation become serious, you will start to smell musky scent that may come from the urine, droppings, and fur of the rat.


Rats will need to gnaw tough materials to control the growth of their teeth. If you have rats in the ceiling, you will often see evidence of their chewing behavior. The rat teeth can pierce through tough materials such as wood that will leave a jagged hole. The rats will often chew their way to the food source.

Nesting Materials

Rats may not have a specific nesting season if the climate is favorable to them, they will be creating a nest for their Mesa baby rats. You will often see their nesting materials scattered all over your property such as twigs, leaves, torn paper, insulation materials, feathers, fabrics, etc. They will build their nest in quiet areas of your house.

The Droppings

Perhaps one of the most common signs of their presence would be their droppings. The Arizona mice do not have the capacity to control their bowel movement. They will excrete their waste while they are on the move. The dropping of the rat is generally small. It is not impossible to mistake them for the droppings of the mice and cockroaches. They have an average length of ½ inch and it will have a shape like a pellet.

Once you notice these signs, you will have to get them out of your property as soon as possible to avoid the damages. There are different ways on how you can achieve this; you may either use the exclusion or trapping method. If all else fail, allow the professional to handle your problem. They can guarantee that the pesky critters in your house will be eliminated successfully.

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